Address:100 Great Meadow Road Suite 106, Wethersfield, CT 06109 |
Phone: (860) 258-2600 | E:mail: |
Bio: Scott Iles has counseled hundreds of individuals and families on minimizing taxes, preserving savings, increasing net worth, pursuing their life visions and discovering tax-efficient solutions that can possibly help them retain more assets. An experienced financial educator and lecturer, Scott conducts meetings and workshops that help people drastically reduce their taxes and protect the value of their estates. Scott has over 20 year experience working in the financial services industry. His past work experience provides him with a very strong background in retirement planning, Medicare benefits, investments and life insurance. As co-host of the WTIC radio show "Planning for Tomorrow" Scott’s inspiring educational events attract and ignite a passion for giving. Scott enjoys coaching local sports teams and the occasional golf or fishing outing. Scott resides in Wolcott, CT with his wife Melissa and their two boys, Kevin and Christopher.
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Map: {mosmap width=’425’|height=’350’|lat=’37.055177’|lon=’-95.668945’|zoom=’17’|zoomType=’Large’|zoomNew=’0’|mapType=’Satellite’|showMaptype=’1’|overview=’0’|text=’ 100 Great Meadow Road, Suite 106, Wethersfield, CT 06109’|tooltip=’Scott Iles’|marker=’1’|align=’center’} |
Scott Iles
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